Friday 18 March 2011

Plagiarism Close To Home

Someone I have known for round about 10 years who works as a 'professional designer' (he shall remain nameless) has produced a poster for a club night that is a direct copy of a previous design of a book cover.
All will be revealed after the jump...

So here it is, the first is the poster designed by the guy I know, and the second is the book cover for a compendium of comics.  Similar hey?

Now I understand that in the design industry, designers borrow ideas all the time but what I feel is that, one cannot copy basically 99% of another's design just add different text, then sit back, pat oneself on the back and still have the nerve to call yourself a designer.  I feel that (law aside) it reeks of unprofessionalism and it is also very disrespectful for all concerned.

What are your thoughts on this? Am I being too harsh or what?

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