Sunday, 30 January 2011

20% Lomography

Found these in a photography shop where I live and I just couldn't resist.

They are miniature replicas of famous Lomo cameras (sadly non-functional).  I have been a massive fan of all things Lomography for a few years now.  

They come in little tins resembling old film canisters.  

Inside the tin there is a pull out showing the various different ones you can collect.  Along with the LC-A+ and the Diana f+ you can get the Lubitel 166+ and the Fisheye 2.

They are really small and perfectly formed

Even to the logos on the lens 

This is the Diana compared to her big sis

These guys are like my Pokemon

Gotta catch em all.


  1. you should see how much they're worth!


  2. Non-functional?

    This is useless to me.
